HVA stock price analysis from September 4 to 6, 2024
During the week from September 4 to 6, HVA stock price had notable fluctuations, reflecting market sentiment and investor confidence in the stock.
- September 4, 2024, the opening price was at 6.2, the trading volume reached 61,100 shares, but the closing price was at the reference level of 6.0. The intraday fluctuation was not too large, showing that investors were still exploring the market before making strong decisions.
- September 5, 2024, the opening price dropped slightly to 6.1, but the highest price reached 6.6, showing that HVA shares have begun to attract stronger interest from investors. Trading volume increased to 62,500 shares, reflecting the positive market sentiment after the previous trading session.
- September 6, 2024, the stock price continued to maintain its growth momentum, with the opening price at 6.5 and reaching a high of 6.8, ending the week with trading volume increasing to 62,900 shares. This is a signal of a solid growth trend, attracting cash flow into HVA shares.
HVA Portfolio Analysis from 4 to 6/9/2024
HVA's investment portfolio continued to grow strongly this week, especially in the digital assets and real estate sectors, with NAV increasing compared to the initial investment capital.
- FUNDGO fund certificate:
- NAV remains stable at VND 11,000,000,000, an increase of 10% compared to the initial investment capital. This stable increase reflects the sustainability of the fund, in line with the safe investment strategy.
- FUNDGO Startup Building Real Estate:
- NAV reached VND 68,500,000,000, up 14.31% YoY. Real estate assets continue to be a bright spot in HVA's investment portfolio, with steady growth in the context of the real estate market gradually recovering from fluctuations.
- HanaGold Gold:
- NAV reached VND22,367 billion on September 6, an increase of VND11,84% compared to the initial investment capital. The fluctuations of gold last week were mainly due to the influence of macroeconomic factors, but the safety of gold is still an important factor attracting investors.
- Onus Digital Assets – Onuschain Platform:
- NAV increased sharply from VND 28.02 billion on September 4 to VND 28,557 billion on September 6, equivalent to an increase of 14,23%. This increase reflects the rapid development of the digital asset sector, especially Onuschain, as blockchain is increasingly attracting investors' attention. Digital assets are currently an indispensable part of HVA's investment strategy.
The trading week from September 4-6 witnessed strong growth in both HVA’s stock price and investment portfolio. The stability of traditional investments such as real estate and gold, along with the breakthrough of digital assets, are positive factors helping HVA maintain its growth momentum. Investors can expect positive results in the following weeks, especially when HVA continues to affirm its leading position in the financial market.