TON – a platform coin created by Telegram, a chat application that currently has more than 900 million users, TON has increased by 150% in the past 2 months. Most people think of the potential of the huge number of users, but there are actually things behind TON that other platforms do not have.
TON is confirmed to set a record for fast transaction processing. Over 100k transactions/second, nearly double that of the second-ranked platform, Solana. TON Foundation rented 256 Alibaba Cloud servers as Validators, the test was live-streamed online with the witness of auditing company Certik.

To achieve this record, TON has made revolutionary improvements to the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism:
1. High scalability through “Arrays”
TON’s architecture is designed to be highly scalable through the use of Arrays. This technique divides the blockchain into smaller pieces, called Arrays, each capable of processing transactions independently. This allows for parallel processing and significantly increases the total capacity of the network. TON’s PoS mechanism is tightly integrated with this Array architecture, ensuring that the consensus process can operate efficiently across multiple Arrays simultaneously without compromising security or performance.
2. Infinite Array Model
TON develops the concept of “Infinite Sharding,” where the blockchain can dynamically adjust the number of Shards based on transaction volume. This means the network can scale up or down as needed, a feature designed to handle a huge, potentially unlimited number of transactions per second. The PoS mechanism plays a key role in coordinating across these dynamic Shards, ensuring validators are properly assigned and transactions are processed securely and efficiently.
3. Instant hypercube routing
To support its Shard structure, TON uses a routing mechanism called “instant hypercube routing” to ensure that messages and transactions can be transmitted quickly and efficiently across different parts of the network. This feature is crucial to maintaining high throughput and low latency, even as the network scales. The PoS mechanism benefits from this routing system by allowing for faster consensus and synchronization between validators in different Shards.
4. Catchain Consensus Algorithm
TON uses a unique BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus algorithm called “Catchain”. This algorithm is designed to operate in a sharded environment and allows a group of validators to reach consensus quickly and securely, even in the presence of malicious actors. Catchain improves the efficiency and reliability of TON’s PoS mechanism by reducing the time and complexity involved in reaching consensus across shards.
5. Multi-level Blockchain Model
The TON Blockchain network consists of multiple tiers of workchains, each of which can contain multiple workshard chains. This structure allows for multiple applications and tokens to coexist on the network, each with its own rules and governance models. TON’s PoS consensus is flexible enough to support this multi-chain architecture, enabling multiple decentralized applications and services without affecting the network’s cohesive operation.

Mr Dang Xuan Thang
Technology Director
HVA Investment Joint Stock Company