Stock price HVA September 24 has recorded strong interest from investors in the stock market. Below are trading indicators and portfolio analysis, helping investors identify the potential of HVA shares.
HVA stock trading statistics
- Trading volume: 203,600
- Reference price: 6.5
- Ceiling price: 7.4
- Floor price: 5.6
- Opening price: 7
- Highest price: 7
- Lowest price: 6.2
Trading volume reached 203,600 shares, far exceeding the average volume of the previous 30 days, showing that the market's interest in HVA shares is at a high level. The price fluctuation range from 6.2 to 7 reflects the stability and short-term growth potential of HVA shares. The opening price of 7 and the peak of 7.4 during the day show the short-term growth trend and positive expectations about the company's business situation.
HVA Portfolio Information
The indexes in the investment portfolio on September 24 reflect the stability and efficiency of the company's investment strategy.
- FUNDGO fund certificate: NAV reached VND 11,000,000,000, an increase of 10% compared to the initial investment capital. This steady growth reflects the fund's success in asset allocation and effective risk management.
- Can Tho Real Estate: NAV value reached 68,500,000,000 VND, an increase of 14.3% compared to the initial investment capital. The real estate sector continues to affirm itself as a highly profitable investment channel, contributing positively to the overall value of the portfolio.
- HanaGold Gold: NAV value reached 23,098,713,687 VND, an increase of 15.49% compared to the initial investment capital. With a growth rate of more than 15%, it shows that gold is always a stable and potential investment portfolio.
- OnusChain Digital Assets: NAV value reached 28,472,222,222 VND, an increase of 13,89% compared to the initial investment capital. Continuing to be the asset with the fastest and highest growth rate in the investment portfolio. This is an investment field that is at the forefront of the trend of blockchain technology and digital assets, promising to bring high profits in the future.
The above results reflect HVA's effectiveness in asset allocation and comprehensive investment strategy. HVA has demonstrated its ability to seize market opportunities and expand its investment portfolio in many fields. This not only increases net asset value but also strengthens investors' confidence in the company's development strategy.
HVA stock price information and investment portfolio on September 24, 2024 show strong and sustainable growth in many aspects. HVA shares continue to attract great attention from investors with high trading volume and stable price range, creating a basis for positive expectations in the future. In addition, the diversified investment portfolio from fund certificates, real estate, gold to digital assets all recorded significant growth, demonstrating HVA's effective investment strategy and flexible asset management capabilities.