HVA stock price on September 6, information on investment portfolio and HVA stock value have been updated, reflecting the operating situation and fluctuations in the stock market. This is an important basis for investors and shareholders to evaluate HVA's development potential, as well as make appropriate investment decisions.
I. HVA stock trading statistics
- Trading volume: 62,900 shares
- Reference price: 6.1
- Ceiling price: 7
- Floor price: 5.2
- Opening price: 6.5
- Highest price: 6.8
- Lowest price: 6.2
Trading volume reached 62,900 shares, showing that the attractiveness of HVA shares remains strong in the market. This stability shows positive investor sentiment, despite the general fluctuations of the stock market. The price range from 6.2 to 6.8 reflects stability and short-term growth potential.
HVA stock price opened at 6.5 and peaked at 6.8, a sign of investor confidence in HVA’s potential. This is further reinforced by the price remaining within a positive range, indicating that HVA stock is not only highly liquid but also a reliable option for investors seeking sustainable returns.
II. HVA portfolio information
In addition to information on HVA stock price, HVA's investment portfolio continues to have remarkable developments, with NAV indices from asset classes growing strongly, proving that HVA's investment strategy is working effectively.
- FUNDGO fund certificate: NAV reached VND11 billion, an increase of VND10% compared to the initial investment capital. This is a testament to the fund's stable profitability, especially in the context of a volatile financial market. This growth also confirms that HVA's investment strategy in financial funds has brought positive results and promises long-term growth potential.
- FUNDGO Real Estate: NAV reached VND68.5 billion, up 14.31% YoY, marking strong growth from real estate projects. This high growth rate shows the long-term profit potential from HVA's real estate sector, especially in the context of the real estate market gradually recovering and showing positive signs.
- HanaGold Gold: NAV reached VND22.37 billion, up 11,84%, reflecting the stability and safety of the gold portfolio, which is considered a safe haven asset in the context of market volatility. This growth not only helps protect HVA's asset value but also creates a fulcrum for the company's sustainable development.
- OnusChain Digital Assets: NAV reached VND 28.56 billion, an increase of 14,23%, showing the strong appeal of digital assets and blockchain platforms. The rapid growth of digital assets is a sign that HVA is grasping new technology trends well and investing in potential areas in the future.
III. Conclusion
The above indicators show that HVA's investment portfolio is not only diversified but also growing steadily in each field, from real estate, finance to digital assets. This diversity helps HVA minimize risks and optimize profits, bringing safety to investors. The fact that major assets such as gold, real estate and digital assets all have strong growth in NAV index is a positive sign, showing that HVA is on the right track in its investment strategy.
HVA’s stock price with positive growth indicators and investment portfolio continues to be a bright choice for investors seeking stability and long-term development potential. The diversity and efficiency of the assets in the portfolio not only help HVA consolidate its position in the market but also ensure sustainable value for shareholders and investors.