Announcement of Business Cooperation Contract Between HVA Group and ONUS Chain

Posted date: August 16, 2024 Updated date: 17/08/2024


On August 13, 2024, HVA Investment Joint Stock Company (HVA Group) officially announced the completion of the business cooperation contract (BBC) with Blockchain Technology Joint Stock Company. ONUS Chain – the leading unit in the Blockchain ecosystem in Vietnam.

According to the signed contract, HVA Group will contribute capital to ONUS Chain to upgrade, develop and operate the ONUS Chain blockchain platform. This agreement includes important content items:

  1. Total estimated investment of the Project: 50,000,000,000 VND (Fifty billion VND).
  2. Capital HVA Group will invest: 25,000,000,000 VND (Twenty five billion VND).
  3. Estimated investment period: 3rd quarter 2024.
  4. Rate of return (APY): 5%/year, fixed profit for the first 3 years.

Detailed information about investment project

  • Project name: Project to upgrade, develop and exploit the operation of the ONUS Chain blockchain platform.
  • Investment benefits: ONUS Chain blockchain platform is a blockchain platform with outstanding advantages, powerful applications in financial technology and crypto assets. The platform has been completed and put into operation, bringing impressive results in both quality and quantity. To date, 25 decentralized applications (dApps) have been developed and deployed on this platform. ONUS Chain's advanced technology infrastructure ensures high-speed data processing and interaction, possessing a programmable and interactive infrastructure.
  • Next stage of development: The project will focus on scaling, upgrading Nodes and Security, upgrading the governance system, Bridge, tools, NFT, user interface and many other elements to optimize performance and security.

The importance of cooperation

This cooperation marks an important step in the development strategy of HVA Group and ONUS Chain, opening up new development opportunities and bringing sustainable value to both parties. This contract not only exploits inherent potentials, but also creates great benefits for the business community in the Blockchain field in Vietnam.

HVA Group and ONUS Chain are committed to providing outstanding products and services, promoting the strong development of blockchain technology and financial investment. Through this cooperation, HVA Group continues to affirm its pioneering role in leading modern technology and financial investment trends, contributing to the development of the Blockchain ecosystem in Vietnam.


Picture of HVA Group

HVA Group

HVA shares are a sustainable profitable choice in the investment field. Committed to bringing safety and maximum benefits to investors through effective investment solutions.
HVA shares are a sustainable profitable choice in the investment field. Committed to bringing safety and maximum benefits to investors through effective investment solutions.

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